European Legal English Teachers' Association

About us

EULETA began in 2006 at a conference at the University of Greifswald, Germany, when a group of delegates specialising in the teaching of Legal English came together to discuss how their teaching could be improved and developed.

They decided that after the conference they would set up an educational organisation to promote the professional development of Legal English teachers. EULETA was born shortly after and incorporated as a registered association under German law. It is a recognized non-profit organisation. Membership fees and donations are tax-deductible throughout the European Union.

All members of the EULETA board are volunteers who dedicate their spare time to the organisation.


The purpose of the association is to promote the effective teaching of Legal English. We do so by exchanging opinions and experience, publishing information, and running conferences, seminars and training programmes. In particular, we:

  • organise yearly conferences and workshops
  • offer continuing professional development activities such as:
    • online monthly Teacher Network Meetings
    • External Speaker Training events
  • facilitate an online discussion group
  • provide an array of networking opportunities
  • run a website with a dedicated members' area
  • maintain social media presence


Membership is open to anyone involved in teaching Legal English who is interested in joining our growing network and gaining valuable access to networking opportunities and professional development.

Membership also includes:
•    a listing in our trainer directory
•    reduced conference fees
•    a dedicated members-only section on our website
•    access to certain events, such as the Teacher Network Meetings

Please see the Join EULETA section for a full list of benefits.


One of our main activities is the organisation of conferences and workshops. The conferences are two-day events held every second year. Themed one-day workshops take place in the non-conference years.
The first event took place in 2007. It was hosted by the University of Passau, Germany. The following years took us to the universities of Ulm (Germany), Berlin (Humboldt University), Hamburg (Bucerius Law School), Osnabruck (Germany), Groningen (The Netherlands), Warwick (UK), and Zurich University of Applied Sciences (Switzerland). The 2018 conference was hosted by the Universities of Split and Osijek in Split, Croatia.  In 2019 the workshop took place in Krakow at the Jagiellonian University's Faculty of Law and Administration. The 2020 conference was postponed due to COVID-19 and the EULETA World Cafe: An Online Meeting to Share Teaching Experiences during Lock-down was held.  Due to travel restrictions, a hybrid conference was held in 2021 live at Catholic University of Lille, Campus Issy-les-Moulineaux, Paris and online. The 2022 workshop was hosted by Greifswald University’s Faculty of Law and Economics. In 2023, our conference took place in Warsaw, Poland, at Kozminski University.


The association is governed by a board of six members, who work on an entirely voluntary basis. They are elected for a two-year term. Elections are held at EULETA’s biennial conference.

To learn more about the current board members, please click here.

European Legal English Teachers’ Association e.V. (EULETA e.V.)

EULETA, c/o James Faulkner, Am Stein 59, 22337 Hamburg, Germany