§1 Title and Seat
1) The Association is entitled „European Legal
English Teachers’ Association e.V. (EULETA)”. 2)The Association has its
seat in Hamburg and is entered in the Register of Associations.
§2 Objects
1) The object of the Association is to promote the effective teaching
of Legal English. This should be achieved by means of support and advice
as well as the exchange of opinions and experience between teachers of
Legal English in Europe, as well as by means of conferences, seminars
and training programmes, publication of information.
2) The Association is also to serve as a source of information.
3) The Association is to pursue exclusively and directly not-for-profit
objects pursuant to the section “tax privileged objects” in the
Contributions Regulations.
4) The Association Objects are to be promoted in particular by means of the following:
a. The promotion and support of exchanges of opinion and experience
between members by means of seminars, newletters, websites etc.
The promotion and support of publications both on the teaching and
training of Legal English, e.g. through information on relevant
c. Clarification of the qualification profile of
educationalists and trainers of Legal English with tertiary
qualifications (Bachelor degrees, Diplomas, Master degrees, State
Examination or a comparable qualification), including support of
initiatives aimed at further qualification of university and
non-university teaching of Legal English, e.g. holding seminars, passing
on information about relevant conferences and informing on further
training opportunities.
d. The promotion of training and examination
standards for national and international recognition of Legal English,
e.g. through particularised training in the preparation of students for
recognised examinations, certificates, etc.
5) The Association may
pursue no own interests or commercial objects. Association funds may
only be used for Objects as defined in these Articles. No person may be
remunerated by expenditure outside the Objects of the Association or by
disproportionately high remuneration.
6) Association Members will receive no remuneration from Association funds.
§3 Membership
1) Members may be
a. persons with a university qualification (Bachelor degree, diploma,
masters degree, state examination or a comparable qualification) in law,
English studies, foreign language teaching, English as a foreign
b. legal persons that support the objects of the Association,
c. persons with considerable experience in teaching Legal English, as well as
d. persons who can support the objects of EULETA in a particular manner
may be admitted to membership on a resolution of the board.
2. The
board will decide on the admission of members by means of a written
declaration of membership which is to contain the Association Articles.
3. Membership is extinguished through death, resignation or exclusion.
Resignation can only be at the end of a calendar year by means of
written declaration to the board. The declaration must be delivered by
30 November in any year at the latest.
§ 4 Membership Fees
Fees will be levied on the members. The amount of the annual fee and
when it is due as well as concessions for particular groups of
membership will be determined by the general meeting of members.
§ 5 Association Organs
The organs of the Association are
a. the Board b. The executive board (pursuant to §26 German Civil Code) c. the general meeting of members.
§6 The Board
1. The Board consists of
a. the President b. a Vice-President c. the Treasurer d. a further Secretary e. two further board members.
2. the Board of the Association is responsible for all affairs of the
Association subject to the provisions of the law or the articles of
other associations.
3. The executive board (pursuant to §26 German
Civil Code) consists of the President is his/her Vice-President or the
Treasurer. The executive board implements resolutions of the board and
the general meeting of members. Each member of the executive board is
authorised to represent the Association.
4. The Board decides on the
admission of new members, on the appointment of honorary members, and
on the cancellation of membership or exclusion from membership (§3).
§ 7 Period of Office of the Board
1. Board members are elected for a period of two years. They must be
members of the Association. Each member of the Board is to be elected
individually. If a member of the Board leaves during his/her period of
office, the Board will elect another member for the remaining period of
d. The Board remains in office until the election of a new Board.
§8 General Meeting of Members
1. Each member is entitled to vote at the General Meeting. 2. The
General Meeting of Members is exclusively responsible for the following
a. reception and approval of the annual report of the
Board. b. election and dismissal of members of the Board. c. Approval of
the budget as prepared by the Board for the coming year. d. Determining
the amount and due date for the membership fee. e. Resolutions for
amendments to the Articles and on the dissolution of the Association.
3. The general meeting of members may make recommendations to the Board on the conduct of Association affairs.
§ 9 Convening the General Meeting of Members
The General Meeting of Members is to be held at least once a year. The
Executive Board will convene it on four weeks’ notice by circulating the
agenda in writing or by mail. The notice period commences on the day
after the sending of the written invitation.
The written invitation
is deemed to have been sent to a member when it is sent to the address
made known to the board in writing or email address. The Board is to
determine the agenda.
§10 Quorum of the General Meeting of Members
1. A Chairperson will elected by the AGM to chair the meeting, who is
not a member of the Board nor intends to stand for election to the
Board. The Chairperson will appoint someone to keep minutes of the
2. Votes will by a show of hands but a secret ballot (written) is required if 1/3 of the members present wish.
3. Resolutions are passed by a majority of the members present at the meeting.
4. Amendments to the Articles and the dissolution of the Association
require a 2/3 majority of votes cast by the members present at the
meeting. A change to the Association objects may only be determined with
the agreement of all members present at the meeting.
5. Minutes are
to be kept of the meeting and to be signed by the Chairperson and the
recorder of the minutes. The minutes will contain the location and time
of the meeting, the identity of the Chairperson and the recorder of the
minutes, the number of members present, the agenda, the number of votes
cast for each resolution and the manner of voting.
Extraordinary Meeting of Members
The Executive Board may at any time on a resolution by the Board
convene an Extraordinary Meeting of Members. This will be convened when
required in the interests of the Association or if demanded in writing
by 1/3 of the members in response to the aims and grounds provided by
the Board.
§ 12 Dissolution of the Association
On dissolution
of the Association or the loss of its not-for-profit objects, the
Association funds will be donated to the Bundesvereinigung Lebenshilfe
für Menschen mit geisteiger Behinderung e.v. where it will be used
exclusively for not-for-profit objects.