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EULETA Call for Hosting 2023 Conference

  • 14 Jun 2022
  • 9:00 AM
  • 29 Jul 2022
  • 6:30 PM

“An opportunity to host a conference for top Legal English experts from Europe and beyond”

EULETA is now welcoming proposals from institutions to host the EULETA 2023 conference. 

Bidding Process and Timeline

1.    14th June 2022: EULETA sends out the call for bids

2.    14th June - 29th July 2022: Interested bidders submit a proposal to: detailing how they meet the set criteria

3.    1st August - 2nd September 2022: The bids are considered by the board and a shortlist is announced

4.    5th - 16th September 2022: EULETA members are asked for their opinions via social media and newsletter

5.    24thSeptember 2022: Successful host is announced at EULETA AGM at the EULETA Workshop 2022

6.    October 2022: The destination is publicly announced via newsletter and social media.

Further information here: Call for EULETA Conference 2023 Hosting.pdf

Email: or

European Legal English Teachers’ Association e.V. (EULETA e.V.)

EULETA, c/o James Faulkner, Am Stein 59, 22337 Hamburg, Germany