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Please choose the membership you require below.  By registering below you will be taken to  the payment gateway and your payment will be processed online automatically and an invoice in your name generated and sent to your email. You will pay via PayPal and you do not need a PayPal account to make the payment; you can use your credit or debit card. 

After joining, you will receive an automated e-mail with login details to our website. Please direct general membership questions to secretary@euleta.org and payment questions to treasurer@euleta.org. 

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* Mandatory fields
* Membership level

Note: By joining EULETA, you acknowledge our Articles of Association, which can be accessed under “Articles” (in English) or “Satzung” (in German) at the bottom of each page of this web site. Please note that membership automatically renews and continues until cancelled. Cancellations can be made by the end of any 12-month membership period by sending an email to webmaster@euleta.org with your full name and email address. 

Please note that if you require a separate invoice you must fill out this form

 If you wish to pay offline please make payment to:

Bank: Volksbank Raiffeisenbank eG, Steinbeckerstrasse 26, D-17489 Greifswald, BLZ 150 616 38, Kto-Nr. 000111 3925 IBAN: DE41 1506 1638 0001 1139 25 BIC: GENODEF1ANK

If you make payment offline you must send proof of payment to treasurer@euleta.org who will issue you an invoice and receipt of payment. Please note that if you do this you must still fill out the form above with your details.